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Immigrants are Essential

Campaign Art Direction | Washington | NYC 

Worked with Soze Agency in NYC and Lamont Digital in LA to art direct the Shorty Award winning Immigrants are Essential campaign. Art direction with Keri Goff and with Creative Director of Flannery Miller. 

Developed the look and feel and concepts in a team and ensured it was implemented across all platforms. 


Graphic Designer: Alex Izaguirre


Immigrants are not only essential workers, they are essential to America’s recovery from the disaster of COVID-19. We launched #ImmigrantsAreEssential to make sure that politicians finally hear what all of us already know. Millions of immigrants, including non-citizen immigrants, are keeping our healthcare system working, keeping our farms and food deliveries flowing, caring for our parents and children, and saving our small businesses. But immigration policies are making their lives more dangerous and making their work impossible. 


There is no essential workforce without immigrants. So we must ensure that all essential workers can get tested, get care, and get vaccinated, including immigrants. We must end the denial of financial support to all essential workers, including immigrants. It’s time to recognize all immigrant essential workers and give them a fast path to citizenship. 

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